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Liebes TV Makeup-Team,
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Eure Expertise und euer Geschick haben nicht nur mein Äußeres, sondern auch mein Selbstvertrauen gestärkt. Jedes Mal, wenn ich in euren Händen saß, fühlte ich mich nicht nur äußerlich großartig, sondern auch innerlich gestärkt.
Danke, dass ihr euer Talent mit mir geteilt habt und mir geholfen habt, mein Bestes vor der Kamera zu geben. Eure Professionalität und eure Fähigkeiten haben einen bedeutenden Unterschied gemacht.
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Liebes Team von TV Makeup,
ich möchte mich herzlich für die erstklassige Arbeit und das fantastische Make-up bedanken, das ihr für mich kreiert habt. Eure professionelle Expertise und euer künstlerisches Talent haben meine Erfahrung wirklich einzigartig gemacht.
Eure Fähigkeit, die individuellen Merkmale hervorzuheben und gleichzeitig ein natürliches Aussehen zu bewahren, hat mich beeindruckt. Das Make-up war nicht nur perfekt für die Kamera, sondern hat mir auch ein erstaunliches Selbstbewusstsein verliehen.
Was euer Team wirklich auszeichnet, ist nicht nur das Fachwissen im Make-up-Bereich, sondern auch euer Engagement dafür, dass sich eure Kunden wohl und selbstsicher fühlen. Ihr seid nicht nur Make-up-Künstler, sondern auch Vertraute, die das Beste in ihren Kunden zum Vorschein bringen.
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Liebes TV Makeup-Team,
ich möchte meine aufrichtige Wertschätzung für eure beeindruckende Arbeit und eure professionelle Herangehensweise zum Ausdruck bringen. Die Fähigkeit, Charaktere durch eure Make-up-Künste zum Leben zu erwecken, ist wirklich bewundernswert.
Eure Fähigkeit, die Schönheit und das Wesen jedes Einzelnen hervorzuheben, egal ob für das Fernsehen oder andere Medien, ist einfach bemerkenswert. Jedes Detail wurde mit solcher Sorgfalt und Präzision umgesetzt, und das hat einen spürbaren Unterschied gemacht.
Vielen Dank für eure Kreativität, euer Talent und vor allem für die freundliche Atmosphäre während des gesamten Prozesses. Es war eine Freude, von solch talentierten und freundlichen Fachleuten umgeben zu sein.
Ich freue mich darauf, hoffentlich bald wieder mit euch zusammenzuarbeiten und eure einzigartigen Fähigkeiten erneut in Anspruch zu nehmen.
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Liebe Gäste des TV Makeup Studios,
herzlich willkommen in diesem Gästebuch, das nicht nur den äußeren Glanz, sondern auch die Strahlkraft eurer Persönlichkeiten festhalten soll. In jedem Pinselstrich und jedem perfekt gesetzten Akzent spiegelt sich die Kunst und Magie des TV Makeups wider, die diese Seiten lebendig machen.
Möge dieses Buch zu einer Sammlung von Geschichten werden, die die Transformationen und die Selbstexpression durch das TV Makeup einfängt. Jeder Eintrag ist wie ein Farbtupfer auf einer Leinwand, der die Vielfalt eurer Ausdrücke und den Glanz eurer Persönlichkeiten wiedergibt.
Lasst uns hier die Erinnerungen an strahlende Kameralichter, die ruhigen Momente vor dem Spiegel und die kreativen Prozesse teilen, die das TV Makeup Studio so einzigartig machen. Dieses Gästebuch soll nicht nur eure Worte, sondern auch den Glanz der Scheinwerfer und die künstlerische Leidenschaft einfangen.
Möge es ein Ort der Kreativität und der gemeinsamen Freude sein, an dem jede Zeile ein Schritt im Tanz der Farben und Formen des TV Makeups ist. Wir sind dankbar, dass ihr Teil dieses glamourösen Kapitels seid, und freuen uns darauf, viele weitere Seiten voller strahlender Augenblicke mit euch zu füllen.
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Liebe Besucher der Men Make-up Station,
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Hier wird das Make-up zu einer Leinwand, auf der die Persönlichkeit jedes Einzelnen kunstvoll in Szene gesetzt wird. Die Kunst des Make-ups kennt keine Grenzen und hier wird sie mit Fingerspitzengefühl und Kreativität auf die Haut gezaubert.
Lasst euch von der Expertise des Teams inspirieren, während sie euch helfen, eure Einzigartigkeit zum Ausdruck zu bringen. In dieser Umgebung wird Schönheit nicht definiert, sondern entdeckt und zelebriert.
Möge euer Besuch an dieser Station euch nicht nur äußerlich strahlen lassen, sondern auch das innere Selbstbewusstsein stärken. Vielen Dank, dass ihr Teil dieses neuen, aufgeschlossenen Ausdrucks von Schönheit seid.
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Yuvashakti Model School, we accept that the point must assistance the youngsters find the qualities that they can expand on. Give them motivations to feel pleased with their capacities. At Yuvashakti, we have consistently kept up that every one of our understudies is extraordinary and stunning in his/her own particular manners. Furthermore, when we can cause them to accept that, we will get the opportunity to see more joyful and more certain youthful people.
List of Top Schools in Noida (Freitag, 23. Oktober 2020 21:45)
We, at Sapphire International School, positioned among the Top 10 Preschools in Anand Vihar, accept that adolescence is the point at which the youthful personalities are generally permeable and can be prepped effectively and adequately. Subsequently, acquainting them with DIY exercises that guide in their expertise improvement as well as fill in as a pressure buster can have implausible advantages for kids. We would accordingly recommend the guardians to allocate at any rate one little DIY venture to your child each frail and let the little one utilize his/her creative mind and innovativeness to achieve the objective. What's more, this support towards such ventures ought not simply be an aspect of their timetable since they are at home because of the pandemic, yet in addition after this gets over. All things considered, kids adapt naturally when the devices to instruct them are fun and energizing, similar to a DIY action.
Best School in Noida Extension (Freitag, 23. Oktober 2020 21:23)
Furthermore, these are accurately the reasons why BGS Vijnatham school has consistently followed an understudy focused learning approach. Its best position in the rundown of schools in Noida Extension is because of this. The immediate talks actually hold their significant places in BGS. However, instructors likewise utilize the flip-homeroom system to enable understudies to lead their own training with reason and learn through commitment and interest. The outcomes are obvious through the understudies' exhibitions. What's more, inspiration levels at BGS consistently run high. Offspring of the current age are more brilliant, more proactive. Best School in Noida Extension Whenever allowed the chance to assume responsibility for their scholastics, they will normally react gainfully.
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The correct foundation isn't sufficient to make a study hall savvy. On the off chance that the teaching method isn't appropriate, classes can never be brilliant. Instructors need to have satisfactory IT preparing in the event that they are to consistently travel from course readings to innovation. Cbse Affiliated Schools In Noida Something else, in any event, when the smartboard is available, learning will remain repetition with accentuation on the immediate talk.
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Best Boarding School in Faridabad (Samstag, 13. Juni 2020 19:00)
India is a country that is known for its rich assorted variety of culture, conventions, and convictions. Indeed, even our organization is a piece of that assorted variety as we invite kids from differed foundations consistently. At the point when we instruct cooperation to our children, Best Boarding School in Faridabad they likewise figure out how to be all the more tolerating and inviting towards these distinctions and dissimilarities, which we accept is important to smoothen their future way.
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The instructing vocation requests satisfactory preparing, Best Private College in Faridabad capability, and aptitudes with the goal that educators can rise as effective instructive experts fit for building the group of people yet to come. The extent of an encouraging vocation is on the ascent, with different ways for vocation movement developing for instructing experts to take on numerous jobs – from guides and teachers to academicians and directors in the training area. As a steady activity that runs no dangers, the encouraging calling is ordinarily sought after for its employer stability and occupation fulfillment.
Skills to Teach Your Children During Lockdown (Samstag, 30. Mai 2020 08:56)
The current times are difficult but apart from maintaining our precautions, almost everything else is out of our hands. As BGS Vijnatham has always preached, there might be an opportunity lurking somewhere even the worst of times. BGS students have the foundation to pick up new skills. They possess the mentality to actively learn and engage. You will only have to give them the necessary nudge and they are sure to join the bandwagon of learning more life-skills. We are all staying home to help our society. We are all praying for the storm to pass soon. Till then, it is all about keeping our heart and making the best of the time available.
Best CBSE Schools in Gurgaon (Freitag, 06. März 2020 06:57)
The Paras World School India, being among Best CBSE Schools in Gurgaon fall in the classification of uncommon schools that covers all the important security convention to guarantee first class wellbeing for their understudies. Their office has the necessary establishments, however the specialists likewise accommodate directing and workshop sessions. In this way, while inquiring about Top Ten School in Gurgaon with charge structure, assessment of scholastic execution may take the bleeding edge, however understudy security should consistently remain on the platform. You will normally need to send your youngster to a protected domain and that ought to remain be one of your essential evaluating factors.
Schools Near Noida Extension (Montag, 02. März 2020 08:29)
BGS Vijnatham School being among Schools Near Noida Extension is advanced is each regard, pursues an instructive rule that focusses on the ideal points of improvement, and makes future residents who are socially mindful and expressly flourishing. Just a couple of schools can tick all the privilege boxes. Also, that truly limits your decisions down. Invest some energy to correctly discover the best school and send your youngster towards the way of guaranteed achievement.
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Extraordinary PGDM colleges in Delhi NCR won't stick to the entrenched instructive arrangement that used to work 10 years earlier. These associations recognize the changing needs of the changing events and modify their instructive program reliant on those requirements. There is no vulnerability that the accompanying quarter of the 21st-century will see another creative surprise. The present organization graduates will regularly verify positions in associations putting strongly in and applying Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Virtual Reality, Blockchain, and significantly more.
Best Preschool in Noida (Freitag, 14. Februar 2020 10:13)
GD Goenka Global School Noida is one of the top schools in Noida which comprise of the Robotic Lab for their students. This institute is excellent for those parents who aspire to get their kids; quality education with practical experiences. GD Goenka Global School, being a part of the top 5 schools in Noida focus on delivering the best of the education with promising results. If you are seeking quality education with an outstanding foundation, then, GD Goenka Global School will prove to be the best decision for your kid. There is everything a parent could ever wish for their kid to acquire as a part of education. That’s what makes GD Goenka the best private school in Noida.
Top Management College in Faridabad (Donnerstag, 13. Februar 2020 09:01)
Need to turn into an Engineering? Or on the other hand your folks are compelling you to get one? Designing is viewed as one of the most significant and most needed courses in the Faridabad today. Some desire to turn into a design while some need to do persuasively. Building is the most significant as referenced above and furthermore the most productive employment anybody can ever have.
Best Colleges for P.hd. In Delhi NCR (Mittwoch, 12. Februar 2020 13:59)
The development prospects in the lodging business are in every case high for those with successful administration abilities. By taking on early duties, one can arrive at a significant level administration position even at a generally youthful age.Best Colleges for P.hd. In Delhi NCR The inn the executives part gives satisfactory professional success chances to experts to propel their vocations in the business. Also, most lodgings offer preparing projects and character/delicate aptitudes advancement sessions for their representatives to help improve their expert stature.
Best Play School in India (Mittwoch, 12. Februar 2020 07:47)
Preschool is a perfect spot to plan kids for their scholarly experience ahead. Early-learning through a wide degree of exercises and games at a preschool plans kids for the sales of future training. Best Preschool Franchise in India Rhymes and serenades at a preschool improve their pre-guidance and pre-math aptitudes. In like manner, looking at stories and headings help adolescents with making appreciation, expressive language aptitudes and listening limits. All these go far in setting up the youthful characters for their change to formal training later on.
Top 10 School in Ghaziabad (Dienstag, 11. Februar 2020 10:04)
Consider giving your kid an encounter that isn't just important yet additionally helps in aptitudes building. Any diversion or recreational movement your kid cherishes can be on the rundown. Top 10 School in Ghaziabad Regardless of whether it is horse riding, music instrument, painting, stoneware, or any movement, such experiential endowments can help build up another side interest or manufacture another ability in kids and lead up to give a drawing in understanding.
Top 10 Cbse Schools in Noida (Montag, 10. Februar 2020 07:49)
Our educational plan envelops the uniqueness of ways of thinking from East and West. Top 10 Cbse Schools in Noida Along these lines, while showing esteem training and good instruction to the youthful brains at our school, our educators make a point to make a profoundly animating condition in the class, which permits youngsters to move their mentality from 'need to do… ..' to 'I need to do this… .'. This opens kids to a situation that guides in their ethical, profound, and moral improvement.
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Top 10 Boarding Schools in Faridabad (Dienstag, 04. Februar 2020 13:00)
At Vidsan Charthouse, we have seen that trained kids improve and increasingly persuaded understudies. They are progressively centered around their objective to feature better execution. Moreover, inquire about proposes that self-trained understudies are bound to accomplish their long haul objectives, and hence, they will in general settle on better decisions with regards to their scholarly accomplishment.
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Top Schools in Noida Extension (Samstag, 01. Februar 2020 18:55)
The GD Goenka Global School Noida is uncommon contrasted with other cbse school in Noida in which craftsmanship and workmanship is a bit of the school instructive program. Workmanship and strength particularly make appropriate activities that can help learning in various zones like Language, Music, Art, Social Studies, Science, Maths, Health, and Nutrition.
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Mechanical designing is one of the most seasoned, broadest, and generally sought after building fields. Notwithstanding every one of the ideas of the worldwide financial emergency and Top Mba Colleges In Indore the activity showcase for mechanical building kept on remaining steadfast.
Top Boarding Schools In Greater Noida (Samstag, 01. Februar 2020 11:53)
While investing energy with your youngsters is vital, it is similarly critical to furnish them with their own space to sprout. Top Boarding Schools In Greater Noida Let themput their spectacular minds to utilize. Enable them to have their free recess where they think, make, and engage themselves, all by their own. It will assist them with revamping their mind and concoct their own clever thoughts.
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The best schools in Delhi for PGDM will get this reality out on your top of the line itself as paying little regard to which specialization you go for in your subsequent year, courses of action will dependably be a piece of your obligations.
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Top 10 Cbse Schools in Noida (Dienstag, 28. Januar 2020 07:08)
As guardians, it is normal for you to hurry to their salvage at each occasion and envelope them in all the solace you can. Nonetheless, we, at Sapphire International School, accept that at times, top 10 cbse schools in noida it is smarter to simply let them push through the obstacle and make sense of the way themselves. Consider yourself their mentor whose activity is to sharpen their abilities and not fix everything that is not right.
Best Cbse School in Ghaziabad (Donnerstag, 23. Januar 2020 11:16)
Taking an interest in any talk or learning action in class needs a great deal of basic intuition with respect to the understudies. Best Cbse School in Ghaziabad
Before they offer their commitment to the exercises in class, they need to deliberately consider and mess with the thoughts and considerations at the forefront of their thoughts. This is one thing that essentially impacts the basic thinking capacities about the understudies, and the impacts of this are obviously reflected in their presentation. -
Greater Noida Top Schools (Donnerstag, 16. Januar 2020 12:54)
K.R. Mangalam School, immovably accept that whenever utilized properly, the web is a shelter in itself. Be that as it may, if not paid enough notice, the very web can turn into a purpose behind welcoming immense difficulties. Greater Noida Top Schools It is consequently vital to guarantee the security of our little ones in the internet with the goal that they don't fall prey to any untoward occasions, and rather advantage the most from the web. At the best ten schools in south Delhi, we trust it is without a doubt indispensable to showing the children to be mindful while utilizing the web offices so neither they themselves nor any other person endures on account of their flighty conduct on the web.
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Regarded as the Best Digital Marketing Training in Kochi, TimesPro extends you the chance to increase an inside and out, hands-on comprehension of site planning, website streamlining, Google Analytics, and significantly more. Join the program to benefit one-of-its-sort learning experience under the adroit mentorship of affirmed specialists.
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Play School In Noida Extension (Dienstag, 24. Dezember 2019 10:53)
Spatial insight is tied in with being able to picture something in the psyche. It is the sort of insight that draftsmen use to outline plans, artists use to make artful culminations, and a potter uses to make his/her gem. Play School In Noida Extension With model and stoneware, kids build up a reasonable comprehension of activities and impacts, which ends up being of massive use for them sometime later in their future callings
Top 10 Schools In Greater Noida (Samstag, 14. Dezember 2019 11:39)
The most punctual years are constantly pivotal for kids, and the school days establish the framework of the life ahead. top 10 schools in greater noida Thus, the kids ought to be acquainted with the incalculable open doors that few areas of studies hold to pick the one that eventual benefits them. Here is the reason we, at the K.R. Mangalam World School, accept that vocation investigation must be acquainted with youngsters at the school level itself.
Best CBSE school in Sector 10 Gurgaon (Samstag, 14. Dezember 2019 08:39)
Alpine Convent School, the best CBSE school in Sector 10 Gurgaon, always looks to completely involve its parents in the process of student development. And the same applies to assist the children is getting the basic necessity of scoring high in exams right. At Alpine, you get complete guidance to take your child forward.
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EMPI Business School in a joint effort with IBM has presented Indias first special AI-Infused Management Program (PGDM) in all streams(Marketing, Finance, Human Resource, Global Business, Advertising and Business Analytics). The program will help get ready understudies for profession ways in Artificial Intelligence (AI) crosswise over assortment of industry segments. In 2006, EMPI was the principal foundation, in India and maybe on the planet to dispatch a Post Graduate Program in Research and Business Analytics and has been engaging youthful personalities from that point forward in the region to make changes in organizations through information driven educated business choices. Man-made brainpower in organizations is a leap forward that can empower great chiefs to be incredible. The far reaching 2-year, full-time, AI-Infused PGDM program pointed explicitly at hopeful youthful chiefs, would begin from June 2019 at EMPI Business School, New Delhi.
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BGS Vijnatham School is amongst the schools in greater noida. The school's ambience and practical learning provides a positive environment for the holistic development of children. Also it is known for its state of art infrastructure.
Best Schools near Crossing Republik Ghaziabad (Dienstag, 01. Oktober 2019 11:15)
At Gurukul, ranked among the Best Schools near Crossing Republik Ghaziabad, we have created a friendly atmosphere where each child is endowed with the freedom of expression and speech without posing any judgmental comments. We do not stand by the methods of rectification that lay through punishment.
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We, at Vidsan Charterhouse, a top-ranking school in Delhi NCR, have always kept the holistic development of our fledgelings on the top of our priorities. To that end, we leave no stone unturned in providing necessary backing and support to our young learners.
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The two-year courses in the best diploma course in the private polytechnic college in Delhi NCR list will also provide you the opportunity to undergo a mandatory training phase in functioning schools, along with integrated training workshops in renowned institutions. The extra year you invest in your NPTT will surely be enriching and work to advance your career by the right amount.
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Boarding life at VCH is all about the evolution of a young mind into an enlightened individual and a confident adult. We make sure that the environment of our boarding facilities conveys warmth and generosity, ensures safety and security, and maintains the utmost regards for discipline.
Best CBSE Schools in Crossing Republik Ghaziabad (Mittwoch, 31. Juli 2019 14:50)
At Gurukul, we welcome inquisitiveness and curiosity among our pupils because we believe that curiosity is the path that leads to enhanced creativity, As Walt Disney had famously said, “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”
Top 20 schools in Gurgaon (Mittwoch, 31. Juli 2019 12:13)
Think about it like an educational benchmark that the top 20 schools in Gurgaon generally have to periodically evaluate their students’ performances. The criterion can be the school’s educational philosophy, behavourial standards, involvement in extra-curricular activities, or all of these combined.
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The Indian Public School, Dehradun of the best cbse pattern, English medium, purely residential & best boarding school in north India, with classes I to XII, affiliated to the CBSE Board, New Delhi. IPS Dehradun was started in 2001 and spread over an area of 80 acres, the entire school campus has patches of green and parklands.
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Private polytechnic college in Delhi list is important as this is where you will be forming your basic knowledge. The fine arts course in the Polytechnic for Women college has the perfect curriculum that set you off on the right path. Right from the faculty to facilities, everything in PfW is designed to further your passion for arts. So, sharpen your creative skills in such colleges and pursue a career in fine arts without a shred of doubt.
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Greater Noida Institute of Technology is one such engineering college that effectively ticks all the above boxes to come out as the top 10 mechanical engineering college in Greater Noida. Their placement cell is active in inviting the renowned firms to their campus to conduct drives, their faculty strength is unparallel in the entire region. Your engineering training is perfect and exciting opportunities will always knock on your doors after passing out of GNIOT.
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We, at Gurukul The School, ranked among the Top Five Schools in Ghaziabad, believe that cooperation and conflict are both intrinsic parts of an individual’s life, and the values of the former can never be learned without understanding the importance of the latter.
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Gurukul Crossings is the Top Play School in Ghaziabad we believe that at a tender age, when our kids are still learning and discovering the world around them, we should not pressurize them by asking them to bring those heavy backpacks to school every day.
Top International Schools in Gurgaon (Donnerstag, 30. Mai 2019 07:55)
Alpine Convent School, the best school in Sector 38 Gurgaon, fall in this list where students receive a superior experience of schooling. The convent nature exposes them to these advantages, the modern mindset of the authorities ensures educational quality.
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We, at JuniorDPS, take up astute and proven approaches when it comes to education impartation. We are well aware that students require more intense guidance and mentorship when they are at their early ages.
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Top 10 CBSE School in Gurgaon 2018 (Montag, 13. Mai 2019 11:59)
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According to the official response from the Bytecoin, its development team has been aware of the vulnerability in April 2017, when during software testing it has discovered that several malicious transactions creating 504 million Bytecoins had appeared in the network - which accounts for 0.2% of the total 183 billion Bytecoin supply.
Questions remain
The development team states that it patched the bug and worked with the mining services to update their software (that validates the transactions in the network), as soon as the bug was found. According to Minergate, the major Bytecoin mining pool, it was contacted by the Bytecoin team in the mid April and “the fix to the mining software has been implemented by adding more checks for the transactions consistency” shortly thereafter.
The updated version prevented blocks with malicious transactions to be mined and thus no extra coins could be created. The questions still remain about the cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets, who are supposedly “safe to stick with the previous version of software”, according to the Bytecoin statement, but “encouraged to update the protocol”.
The rise of token untraceability
In spite of this bug discovery and patching, the CryptoNote-based cryptocurrency markets, including Monero and Bytecoin, has been positive, keeping them among the top 10 by capitalisation. Whether it is because the coin holders are not well-informed of the protocol issues or they are confident of the development teams’ ability to manage these issues, the fact remains that Monero’s and Bytecoin’s capitalizations jointly amount to $750,000,000 at the time of writing, and as a result many early adopters have gone from rags to riches.
With the ICO phenomenon coming into place this may not be all, as new cryptocurrency teams emerge stating their intention to adopt the privacy-preserving CryptoNote protocol.
In fact, if the concept of untraceable tokens (untraceable digital assets) becomes a reality this year as promised in the Bytecoin roadmap, the major trends of the crypto world could in theory converge: the booming ICO phenomenon, the increasing capitalisation of tokens created on top of various blockchain platforms, and the growing market interest in untraceability and privacy. We are here to observe and see.
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